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Can You Donate Blood If You Have A Tattoo

How Long Does It Take To Donate Blood

Can one donate blood after getting a tattoo? – Dr. Sanjay Phutane

If you’re wondering what happens on the day when you give blood, rest reassured, you’ll be guided through the process from start to finish.

Before going to your appointment, you just need to make sure you eat regular meals, drink plenty of fluid and avoid vigorous exercise. Don’t forget to bring your completed Donor Safety Check form with you and read the donor consent information booklet on arrival.

You will given water, called for a private health screening where you’ll be asked some confidential questions and your haemoglobin levels will be tested, before being invited to your donation chair to give blood.

Then you’ll be given some important care advice to take home, before being offered a selection of drinks and snacks at the refreshment table. You’re encouraged to relax for 15 minutes before heading home.

NHS Give Blood aims to ensure that your whole donation journey lasts no more than one hour from your planned arrival time, with the donation itself taking just 5-10 minutes.

Blood Saves Lives And One Donation May Save Up To Three

In northern Colorado, someone requires a blood transfusion every 37 minutes, according to Bridget Aesoph, donor recruiter for Garth Englund Blood Donation Center.

Blood facts

Blood is composed of several important components. Plasma is the base, made of mostly water. Red blood cells pick up oxygen from the lungs and transport it via the circulatory system to every cell in the body, providing energy. Platelets help the blood clot to reduce bleeding after injury, the first step toward healing damaged tissues. Each of these blood parts can be safely transfused to patients that need them when in the hospital.

All blood donated through UCHealth Garth Englund Blood Donation Centers stays local. It helps patients at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland, Greeley Hospital and Estes Park Medical Center.

Blood products are not only needed for trauma patients up to 100 pints of blood products per patient but women with complications during pregnancy sometimes need a blood transfusion. Children with severe anemia and many who have complex medical or surgical procedures need blood transfusions. Cancer patients also need these products.

Can You Donate Blood If You Have A Tattoo

By Samantha Maffucci Written on Aug 15, 2018

We love tattoos. Whether its tats that are minimalistic, are a quote from our favorite book, or act as a bond of unconditional love between friends, we can all agree well, most of us that tattoos are a great form of personal expression. Though some people have one and others have dozens, if you’re a tattoo person , nothing can compare with the joy we get from getting one.

Another thing that can bring us happiness is by helping other people. While many volunteer for local organizations or donate money, others find that giving back comes in the form of blood donations.

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But can you donate blood if you have a tattoo? This can be a tricky thing for people who love body ink but also want to help their fellow citizens.

Yes, people with tattoos can give blood, but there are certain criteria they must follow, as there are a list of eligibility requirements. Because some states dont have regulations Washington D.C., New York, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Idaho, Georgia, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maryland, Utah, and Wyoming you may need to wait as long as a year before donation.

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So, lets say you got a tattoo in an unregulated state and still want to donate blood. What can you do?

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You Also Cant Donate If You Have Any Piercings That Are Less Than 3 Months Old

You often cant donate blood for 3 months after getting a piercing, either.

Like tattoos, piercings can introduce foreign material and pathogens into your body. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV can be contracted through blood contaminated by a piercing.

Theres a catch to this rule, too.

Though many states regulate facilities that provide piercing services, there are specific rules regarding eligibility based on the equipment used.

If your piercing was performed with a single-use gun or needle at a state-regulated facility, you should be able to donate blood.

If the gun was reusable or youre not absolutely sure that it was single-use you shouldnt give any blood until 3 months have passed.

Conditions that affect your blood in some way may make you ineligible to donate blood.

Finding The Right Medical Team For Crohn’s Disease

Can You Donate Blood If You Have A Tattoo?

Ive learned a lot in the 19 years Ive lived with Crohns disease, but one of the most important things is getting the right medical team ….

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How Often Can You Donate Blood

Male donors have to wait a minimum of 12 weeks between blood donations and female donors 16 weeks to allow for all the red cells to replenish. However, you can conveniently schedule your next appointment for when you’ll be ready using the online appointment system.

The red-coloured haemoglobin that your red cells contain takes oxygen around your body. Haemoglobin also contains iron, and as some is lost in each donation, it is cleverly taken from your body’s iron stores, and the amount you absorb from food and drink increases. Men usually have more iron stores than women, due to menstruation.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Donate Blood

You have to be aged between 17 and 65 to give blood. But other than age, you also have to be generally fit and healthy, weigh between seven stone and 12lbs and 25 stone , have suitable veins and meet all the eligibility criteria .

For the full list of who can’t give blood, visit the health, eligibility and travel section of the website.

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Take Home Can A Person With Tattoo Donate Blood

Weve already established that in general the answer to the question, can a person with tattoo donate blood, is yes provided, that person meets the aforementioned criteria for eligibility. To conclude this article, it is important to point out, you do not only save other lives by donating blood. Blood donation is also good for your own health.

For more information and free personalized guidance, talk to Credihealth Medical Experts.

Donating Blood Is Easy

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Donating blood is about a 45-minute process, but the actual donation of one pint takes about eight to 10 minutes. People can donate every 56 days, but the body replenishes the fluid lost during donation within 24 hours. It is important to eat a good meal and hydrate the day before and the day of a donation.

Donations can be scheduled at either of Garth Englunds blood donor centers in northern Colorado the center at 1025 Pennock Place in Fort Collins or the center at UCHealth Medical Center of the Rockies, 2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., in Loveland. Interested donors should call or fill out this form to schedule an appointment at either of these locations.

Other organizations outside northern Colorado also operate blood donation centers and host blood drives. Contact your local blood donation center today to donate.

To donate, a person must be at least 18 years old and show photo identification. New donors must weigh at least 120 pounds and be in good health. Prior donors must weigh at least 110 pounds. Donors can donate 14 days after having a COVID-19 vaccination.

Show off that ink and give the gift of life. Sign up to donate blood today.

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What Is The Process For Donating Blood

After you arrive at a Southern California Blood Bank or San Diego Blood Bank donation center or blood drive, there are typically four steps. The donation process usually takes 45 minutes to an hour.

1. Answer a questionnaire about travel history, lifestyle, medications and general health.

2. Receive a health screen to ensure your wellbeing and determine any barriers to donation.

3. Donate blood. The process itself takes about 10 minutes for whole blood, during which you can lay back and relax. Many donors think of this as me time that saves lives.

4. Sit in the canteen for 15 minutes while you enjoy a well-deserved beverage and snack.

Next, your donation is taken to the lab and gets processed in a centrifuge to separate it into three different lifesaving components. Once testing is completed to ensure safety of the blood components, 24/7 dispatchers deliver it to the hospital, where it is used to help someone in need.

Can You Donate Blood If You Have Tattoos

Millions of Americans have one or more tattoos and the art form continues to grow in popularity. An amazing fact is that tattoos have been around for thousands of years. The first known tattoo was discovered on an Iceman found near the Italian-Austrian border that was carbon-dated nearly 5,200 years back. Fast forward to the 21st-century where popular tattoo designs include hearts, birds, wildlife, symbols, and skulls.

A common question among potential blood donors is: “Can I donate blood if I have a tattoo?” and the answer is yes, but there are certain requirements.

Blood Donation and Tattoos

In the state of Florida, a person can donate blood as soon as their tattoo heals as long as they received that tattoo from a licensed tattoo facility. If they did not receive their tattoo at a licensed facility, a 12-month deferral rule still applies. These requirements can change by state, so be sure to check with your local blood center for their regulations.

Fun Tattoo Facts

  • Nearly 145 million Americans have tattoos
  • About 47% of Millennials have one or more tattoos

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How Can I Help If I Cant Donate Blood

There are many ways to be a hero with San Diego Blood Bank and Southern California Blood Bank

  • Support ResearchBlood donated for research has the potential to change the future of health for generations to come. Contact us at .and ask how you can participate in a research project.
  • Make a Financial Gift:San Diego Blood Bank/ Southern California Blood Bank relies on financial gifts to pay for critical supplies and equipment. Visit to learn how you can make an impact.
  • Volunteer:Join our volunteer team and serve as a donor center host or blood drive greeter. Have a special talent you want to share? Let us know and we will find a place for you. Visit

If I Used To Live In Mexico Can I Donate Blood

Urmston dad gets blood donor tattoo

Yes. However, if you lived in Mexico for 5 or more years, you must live in the United States with no travel to Mexico for 3 years. This is because you would be considered a resident of a Malaria-endemic country according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you travel to Mexico during the 3-year waiting period, you must wait 3 years from the date of returning from Mexico. Once you have been in the United States for 3 years without travel to Mexico, you can travel to Mexico on occasion and would only be deferred from donating if you visited a region with malaria.

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Can I Donate Blood After Getting A Tattoo

Donating a pint of whole blood took about 45 minutes less time than it took to get most of her tattoos and she potentially saved three lives. Finn said she would have donated sooner but had once been told she had to wait a year after getting a tattoo.

I went to donate blood once in college but was told I couldnt because of the rules, Finn said.

Those rules have changed. Most people can donate blood immediately after getting inked, as long as the tattoo was applied at a state-regulated entity that uses sterile needles and ink that is not reused. Colorado regulates tattoo parlors only Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Pennsylvania do not. If youve gotten inked at a Colorado tattoo parlor, you can donate blood immediately.

The Misconception Can A Person With Tattoo Donate Blood

You must have heard people say that if you ever get a tattoo then you are not allowed to ever donate blood. Right off the bat, this is a huge misconception. Depending on where you got your tattoo from, you can resume donating blood within the next six months, at most twelve months if were stretching it. I will break the reason down into points:

  • Health regulations around opening a tattoo parlor in India may seem like a negligible task, but any aspiring tattoo artist is bound to do a regulation check of his parlor before opening it to the public.
  • If you have recently gotten a tattoo from a parlor which is not approved by state regulation or hasnt received its regulation permit then in those cases the answer to the question can a person with tattoo donate blood, temporarily becomes no. At least for the next six to twelve months.
  • This is done because there is a potential risk that the unregulated tattoo parlor may be using unsterile needles, or maybe the same ink is reused for multiple customers.
  • These practices increase the risk of HIV, Hepatitis, etc.

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Why Should You Consider Donating Blood

Nationally, 36,000 units of red blood cells, 7,000 units of platelets and 10,000 units of plasma are needed daily in the U.S., according to the America Red Cross. Right now, that average demand is even higher, depleting the nations inventory of blood products and requiring the American Red Cross and other blood donor organizations to plea for new donors to help meet demand.

Can I Give Blood After Getting A Tattoo

VERIFY: You can donate blood, but not convalescent plasma, after getting COVID-19 vaccine

Yes, but the tattoo must be fully healed and have been applied by a state-regulated facility with fresh ink and sterile needles.

States that do not regulate tattoo parlors: Connecticut Georgia Idaho Maryland Nevada New York Pennsylvania Utah Wyoming

You need to wait 3 months after getting a tattoo in any of the above states or outside the US, so set a calendar reminder.

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Can I Donate If I Feel Ill Or Have A Cold Sore

If you are feeling under the weather, please wait until you feel better before you give blood.

It is important you do not have any infection at the time of donating.

You must be healed and recovered from any infection for at least 14 days before you give blood.

Use our health & eligibility section to find out more.

How To Donate Blood

If you’re new to blood donation you can register to become a donor on the NHS Give Blood website.

While most people can, it’s not always possible to be a donor. You will be asked a series of questions so the NHSBT can advise if it’s ‘appropriate’ for you.

They ask you for your age, weight, previous blood transfusions and cancer history. If you’re able to register, you’ll be able to find out more about where you can donate and book an appointment, update your personal details and view your blood group . You can also use the NHSGiveBlood app.

Although you may be keen, of course, to help save lives as soon as possible, there can be limited appointments for first-time blood donors, but NHSBT promises to get in touch when there’s space, or you can book in advance.

That said, the appointment system balances the supply of blood with the changing demand from patients. As of 12 October, seven blood donor centres had more than 50 available appointments for the rest of this week: Bradford, Bristol, Liverpool, Tooting and Westfield in London, Luton and Southampton.

There are 25 permanent blood donation venues and thousands of local venues in towns and cities across England.

The process from start to finish includes checking whether you can give blood, registering your interest, finding an appointment and following the ‘preparing to give blood recommendations‘, before your appointment.

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What If I Got My Tattoo In One Of The States That Doesnt Regulate Tattoo Facilities

While your tattoo may be permanent, the deferral isnt. If your tattoo was applied in one of the 11 states that do not regulate tattoo facilities, you must wait 3 months before donating blood. This requirement is related to concerns about hepatitis. Learn more about hepatitis and blood donation.

To learn more about eligibility criteria for donating blood, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS .

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